
Exp和 your business education 和 build a diverse professional network to complement your leadership expertise with the 工商管理硕士 可执行程序 在威尼斯赌场网站 福克斯商学院. 加强你的决策能力, 拓宽你的全球视野, enhance your communication skills 和 steer your career toward the C-suite as well as other leadership roles such as administration in a medical, 医院或工程部门. 专为专业人士进入他们的商业生涯, this master’s degree program requires a commitment of one weekend a month for 16 months. 这种形式提供了一种身临其境的感觉, collaborative learning environment without disrupting your professional priorities.


的 Fox EMBA offers the following benefits for executives in the program.

  • A completely redesigned program, to meet the needs of busy 和 experienced business professionals

  • A 16-month hybrid program with alternating in-person 和 online classes

  • 便利、安全的住宿和学习环境

  • Cohorts 和 teams optimized for the student learning experience

  • 转型发展从第一天开始

  • 为期一周的全球沉浸式体验

  • Networking events designed to grow your learning, skills 和 network

  • 职业评估和定制指导

课程设计反映了实际的工作场所, students are assigned to teams 和 work together extensively to prepare assignments 和 presentations. 教师 provide support on how to manage a successful team environment, integrating the latest case studies 和 new executive guest speakers to give students the most up-to-date insight into the business world.


类 are offered in a hybrid format, with alternating in-person 和 virtual residencies. 现场驻留在 召开, offering students a state-of-the-art business 和 learning environment 位于费城中心,交通便利. 除了, a weeklong Global Immersion allows Fox EMBA students to observe global business practices, engage with corporate leaders 和 apply coursework in an emerging market.

类 are offered in a sequence that provides an underst和ing of the basic skills 和 environmental context required for executive leadership, followed by training in strategy implementation 和 leadership, so the Fox EMBA graduate is prepared to create sustainable advantage into the future.


的 modular format of the emba课程 curriculum also means that you may take two of your courses at a global partner location, 其中包括以下网站.

  • 中国,北京
  • 波哥大,哥伦比亚

的se opportunities allow you to explore a new area of the world or keep up with your course sequence while you are traveling for business.

类 & 课程

的 Fox EMBA Program is delivered over the course of sixteen months: eight three-day in-person residencies in Center City Philadelphia alternating with eight two-day virtual residencies, 加上额外的网络会议会议. 你将学习的核心课程包括

  • 当代企业战略
  • 企业财务管理
  • 管理会计
  • 全球企业管理
  • 营销管理:创造顾客价值.

除了核心课程, the program offers specialized courses tailored to the EMBA student’s needs. 这些包括

  • 支持管理决策的数据分析
  • 领导和管理团队和个人
  • 数据素养:理解和沟通数据
  • 企业中的法律与伦理,
  • 管理企业的运营.

Learn more about the 工商管理硕士执行计划 curriculum.


A student socializes at a networking event in a room full of people.

学费 & 费用

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access 和 affordability, this 工商管理硕士 offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

学费 rates are set annually by the university 和 are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 这些学费适用于2024-2025学年.

宾夕法尼亚州居民: $1,900.每学分00美元
州外: $1,900.每学分00美元

你可以看到完整的 Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.
