Biology PhD

获得对生物学研究做出重大贡献的经验 Biology PhD program in the College of Science and Technology. The Biology PhD degree provides a rigorous, research-focused course of study. 你将准备追求与生物科学相关的多种职业道路, including postdoctoral and academic positions, and in related industries, such as biotechnology, bioengineering, healthcare and pharmaceutics. 生物学博士课程为您提供了获得学位资助的机会,无论是教学还是研究助理, and a tuition waiver.

生物学博士生有机会选择他们想加入的实验室. During your first year, 你可以立即选择一个特定的研究小组,也可以在决定一个实验室之前轮换三个研究小组. Once you are admitted to candidacy, you’ll pursue specialized research toward the completion of your degree.


  • cellular, developmental and molecular biology;
  • cellular and molecular neuroscience, which investigates the central nervous system and the mechanisms it governs;
  • computational biology, which focuses on computational evolutionary genomics;
  • ecology, 研究生物体与其环境之间复杂关系的跨学科领域;
  • evolutionary medicine, 在进化史的大背景下研究当代人类疾病的跨学科领域;
  • genetic epidemiology, an interdisciplinary field that examines the impact of genetic and environmental factors on modern human disease; and
  • population genetics, 遗传学和进化生物学的一个分支,研究种群内部和种群之间随时间的遗传变化.

Learn more about the Department of Biology’s research areas.

课程是跨学科的,鼓励学生参与其他领域的研究, including biochemistry, chemistry, computer science, ecology, environmental science, engineering, mathematics and physics. 博士候选人在许多科学技术学院最先进的中心和设施中进行创新研究, including the


Professor and student examining coral

Program Requirements

博士研究生有7年的时间完成必修课程和考试, as well as a dissertation. 所有候选人必须满足成功完成生物学博士课程的以下要求. 

  • The preliminary examination is designed to test a student’s understanding of biological phenomena, specific research areas and scientific writing. The preliminary examination comprises 
    • an original research proposal, 一份15到20页的提案,介绍一个研究问题和学生调查这个问题的方法计划, and
    • the oral examination, 在学生的研究计划被批准后进行,测试学生对研究计划的背景和内容的理解. (If a student’s research proposal is not approved, the student is considered to have not passed the oral examination.)
  • The doctoral dissertation is an original, 实证研究表明学生的研究方法的知识和掌握的主要研究领域. 所有的论文研究都在博士生咨询委员会的指导下进行.
  • The final dissertation defense is the culminating event for Biology PhD candidates. 学生必须成功通过论文答辩,完成生物学博士学位.  

所有生物学博士候选人必须在威尼斯赌场网站有至少两个学期的教学经验. 这一要求可以通过生物系的助教来满足.

Learn more about the Biology PhD examination and dissertation requirements

Classes & Curriculum

Following coursework in the first one to two years, 您将晋升为候选人,并参与由教职员工代表的许多实验室和学科的研究机会. Doctoral students will undertake a preliminary examination, as well as an original dissertation, 展示他们的研究方法的知识和掌握他们的主要研究领域.

生物学博士课程要求36学时,包括15学时的研究生研讨会课程. Some of these courses include

  • Analytical Biotechnology
  • Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
  • Contemporary Biology
  • General Biochemistry, and 
  • Evolutionary Genetics Genomics

Learn more about required courses for the Biology PhD.

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Tuition & Fees

In keeping with Temple’s commitment to access and affordability, 这个哲学博士学位提供有竞争力的学费水平和多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, including program degree level (undergraduate or graduate), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. These tuition costs apply to the 2024–2025 academic year.

Pennsylvania resident: $1,353.00 per credit
Out-of-state: $1,765.00 per credit

You can view the full Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.


Additional Program Information